Tag Archives: modern

How the obsessive, dishonest prosecution of Scooter Libby almost cost us Iraq

FILE — I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby (AP) People who wonder why the war in Iraq went so wrong for so long, will need to read Judith Miller’s new book “The Story: A Reporter’s Journey.” Miller details how special prosecutor Patrick…

Mr. Obama, it’s not the software that’s the problem, it’s Big Government liberalism

So the Obama administration claims it’s found someone to come in and clean up the disaster that is the ObamaCare website aka HealthCare.gov. He’s Jeffrey Zients, Obama’s new Director of the National Economic Council whom Obama has employed as “fixer”…

Japanese elderly fight ‘Americanized’ TV

Imagine your television news sprinkled with words that sound vaguely English but are in fact a corrupted form of Japanese. You would surely be confused. That’s the problem facing Japan’s elderly when they tune into the National broadcaster NHK at…

Team Obama’s plan to turn your kids into debt zombies

President Obama spent Friday talking about ways to make college more affordable. But if you think going to college is expensive now, just wait until you learn about his big plans for your college student or high school graduate–and you.…

Why Israel will rule the new Middle East

Jan. 30, 2013: Israel’s President Shimon Peres, right, listens as Yair Lapid, leader of the Yesh Atid (There is a Future) party, speaks during their meeting in Jerusalem. (AP/Reuters Pool) If you still think the future of Israel looks bleak,…

Two important lessons from the Chinese spending spree

Dec. 10, 2012: Chinese shoppers and Christmas decorations are reflected in mirrors inside a shopping mall in Beijing. (AP) The Communist Chinese are doing their Christmas shopping in the United States this year, and they’ve got their eye on U.S.…

The truth about the Ryan-Biden debate

The vice presidential debate gives Paul Ryan a unique opportunity to explain Mitt Romney’s economic programs and ideas in front of a massive national audience. We will see Paul Ryan at his best. And that is very, very good. He…

Best cocktails for the Academy’s Best Picture Nominees

The Oscars is an opportunity to take in the glitz and glamor that is Hollywood at its finest as well as recognize the amazing films to hit movie screens in the past year. And sure, it’s all too easy to…

6 Top Health Myths

(iStock) An old wives’ tale, an urban legend — call it what you will, but you’ve all heard them. Be it from your mom when you were ill, from your friends while sitting around a campfire, or from a story…