Tag Archives: muslims

Pamela Geller not standing down to radical Islam

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” May 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY, HOST: So three weeks after her Draw Muhammad event in Garland, Texas, was attacked by…

ISIS has a vision for victory, Obama doesn’t

The stirring speeches of yesteryear inspired us then, and still do. In times of grave danger, great leaders rallied their nations with appeals to duty and visions of victory. “With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of…

Former Muslim: ‘If I were a Muslim today, I would be a member of ISIS’

Why young men and some young women join the brutal ranks of Isis, is something that’s hard for Westerners to understand. But native Saudi Al Fadi, has an interesting explanation. It’s because they want to. Fadi, founder of the Center…

Je Suis Charlie? Media need to stop covering for murderous Muslims

Every Islamic terror attack is like a grenade. The blast brutally kills and cripples its victims. Most nearby dive for cover. That’s what the American media have been doing for decades. Every time another Muslim terrorist ;beheads, ;butchers ;or ;bombs,…

Lebanon’s presidency goes unfilled as Christian infighting threatens stability

When Lebanese President Michel Sleiman stepped down last month, it created a vacuum in Lebanon’s government. (AP) When Lebanese President Michel Sleiman’s term ended on May 25, he left a vacuum that some fear could further erode the influence of…

Indonesian Muslim clerics issue fatwa protecting endangered animals

BANGKOK, Thailand – Indonesia’s highest Islamic clerical body is using its influence over the estimated 200 million Muslims in the country to try to save local wildlife, including the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger. The religious fatwa issued by the Indonesian…