Tag Archives: northern

ISIS demanding $30 million to free Christian hostages, Assyrian source says

ISIS men destroy various Christian symbols in Nineveh, Iraq. EXCLUSIVE – Islamic State militants are demanding up to $30 million in ransom to release the hundreds of Christian hostages in Syria, according to an officer within the Assyrian leadership. In…

ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot: Mr. Obama, when will you get angry about radical Islam?

America wants to know, when is President Obama going to get angry? When is he going to slam his fist on the desk, demand vengeance, put aside his incessant campaigning and call out the Islamic radicals of ISIS as the…

US wealth based on theft? Progressives and their dangerous view of America

Is the wealth of America based on theft? This allegation lies at the heart of modern progressivism, and provides the justification for government seizure and government redistribution, not only within America but also from America to the rest of the…

Why respect is overrated

As a conflict resolution specialist with 20 years of experience facilitating peaceful talks between warring parties in the Middle East, Cuba, Sri Lanka, Colombia, and Northern Ireland, you’re probably surprised to hear that I think respect is overrated. Whenever I…

Douglas Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, acquitted in NY hospital case

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – Douglas Kennedy, a son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was acquitted Tuesday of child endangerment and harassment charges stemming from a scuffle in a hospital maternity ward. Kennedy had tried in January to take…

While voters say Romney is most electable candidate, his electoral vulnerabilities are becoming increasingly clear

The latest CBS News/New York Times poll shows a clear sense within the Republican primary electorate that Mitt Romney is the most electable of the four candidates vying for the GOP nomination. 73 percent of GOP voters in the CBS/New…

Remembering Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

Shortly after the Civil War both the North and South started to recognize those warriors who died in the epic war of our time. Originally this day was called “Decoration Day,” in which all the graves of those killed in…