Tag Archives: oliver

Remembering America’s WWII Victory

In less than two weeks, our nation will commemorate the 70th anniversary of V-J Day – the official day of victory over the Japanese in World War II. On September 2, 1945 – after almost four years of war –…

The good news that nobody knows

Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters leave the outskirts of Suruc, Turkey, towards the Turkey-Syria border, on the way to the Syrian city of Kobani, Friday, Oct. 31, 2014. The 10 peshmerga fighters from Iraq who entered the embattled northern Syrian town…

Marine Held in Mexico: If Congress can’t get Obama’s attention to free Tahmooressi, We the People must

When justifying the release of five vicious Taliban terrorists detained at “Gitmo” in exchange for U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, the president said, “We don’t leave our people behind.” He was subsequently accused of violating a law requiring him to notify…