Tag Archives: op/ed

The Venezuelan Election Settled Nothing

Nicolas Maduro’s 1.5% win indicated that Venezuela is, at best, a totally divided society. It also suggests that the winner, Maduro, has no legitimacy. In winning the election, Maduro deployed tens of millions–if not hundreds of millions–of dollars in state…

The Compromising Way Forward

In the past few weeks, Democrats and Republicans have offered up competing budget proposals—the Democrats in the Senate, the Republicans in the House—to address the nation’s mounting fiscal challenges. The two budgets are roughly $1 trillion apart on taxes and…

Obama’s Night, But Nothing Has Changed

In his call for smarter government, President Obama was consciously trying to move away from the positioning that was ascribed to him after his inaugural address, that of adopting a new liberal agenda. That being said, with the President’s calls…

From Obama, A Beautiful Inaugural Address Completely Discordant With His Recent Actions

Move up http://i.forbesimg.com tMove down The New Power Class Who Will Profit From Obama’s Second Term Joel Kotkin Contributor Obama II — Will We Be a Better Nation? John Zogby Contributor Full Text: President Obama’s Inaugural Address Jeremy Bogaisky Forbes…

Both Political Parties Win With a Practical, Pro-Growth Fiscal Cliff Outcome

It goes without saying that a plunge over the so-called “fiscal cliff” would be a true setback for the nation. Indeed, as Democrats and Republicans say that they’re willing to allow for significant tax hikes and program cuts if the…

The Pollsters Got It Right

The mudslinging between the candidates and campaigns in this election was matched by the vitriol spewed over the polls. This one is oversampling Democrats, this one leans Right and this one is biased left. We have heard it all over…