Tag Archives: op/ed

Mongolia’s Slide Toward Autocracy Should Set Off Alarm Bells For West

In an earlier article, I highlighted the importance of former Mongolian president Nambar Enkhbayar’s corruption trial for the fate of democracy in Mongolia. The charges logged against Enkhbayar represent a political vendetta on the part of the current president, Tsakhia…

What The Polls Are Telling Us Now

There has been a subtle shift in the polls for President Obama — whose approval rating has dropped to 46% in the most recent polling conducted by Gallup and Rasmussen Reports – with disapproval at 53% in the Rasmussen poll…

Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan Is A Start — But Only A Start

Move upMove down What the House GOP Budget Means for Seniors Howard Gleckman Contributor How Federal Medicaid Cuts Will Squeeze States Josh Barro Contributor US House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, Republican Representative fom Wisconsin, speaks to the press on…

The Final Push for IPAB Repeal

Congressional Republicans announced on Friday their intent to link the widely supported House bill to repeal the Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) with a more partisan medical malpractice reform bill. The IPAB repeal bill, which has been well-received thus…

Super Tuesday Seals Nothing: The Race Goes On

As the dust settles from Super Tuesday, one thing is clear: the Republican primary race is far from resolved. As of midnight, Rick Santorum had won the states of Oklahoma, Tennessee and North Dakota; Newt Gingrich won Georgia; while Mitt…