Tag Archives: op/ed

Progress In Ukraine While Russia Continues Incursion

Last week in Davos, thought leaders and interested parties gathered to discuss a total overhaul of Ukrainian society, with particular focus on increasing transparency, stamping out bureaucracy and corruption as well as promoting efficiency and Western practices. For a country…

State Of The Union Speech Emphasizes Economic Successes, Misses The Mark On Foreign Policy

President Obama did his best tonight to make Americans forget what happened just a few months ago at the November midterm election. He sounded like the man at the head of the party that just won control of the House…

America Needs A Venezuela Policy

In 2014, troubling trends in Europe and the Middle East held much of America’s attention. And 2015 is shaping up to be similar. I have written extensively and frequently on how America can better defend its interests and allies in…

Ukraine Moves Towards Aligned Status And Maybe Even NATO Membership

Change may be afoot in Ukraine. A vote of 303 to eight in the Ukrainian parliament today showed overwhelming support for the country to renounce their non-aligned status, a position they’ve held since 2010 when Viktor Yanukovych was president. The…

President Obama To Move Ahead With Immigration Reform By Executive Order

Public opinion be damned. Tomorrow night in a prime time speech, the President will unveil his plan to shield up to five million illegal immigrants from deportation. By expanding the Dreamers program to adults –a move that the President said…

An Opportunity For More Clarity On Healthcare — And Better Policy

The Democrats were ready for defeat last Tuesday, no matter what their fundraising emails said. But they weren’t prepared for the wipeout they suffered not only in the Senate, but also on the state level. Republicans took three statehouses on…