Tag Archives: pacific

WWII ship used for atomic bomb tests found ‘amazingly intact’

The USS Independence aircraft carrier, which operated during World War II, has been located about a half mile underwater off California’s Farallon Islands. Using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) dubbed the Echo Ranger and a 3D-imaging sonar system, researchers have…

Memo to Congress: Don’t give Obama fast track authority for Pacific Trade Pact

Congress should deny President Obama authority to negotiate yet another jobs killing trade pact in the Pacific. Free trade agreements eliminate tariffs and rein in many administrative barriers to commerce—such as inconsistencies in bank regulations and intellectual property laws—and should…

A World Without America’s Leadership and Military Might Would Be Chaos

Without the United States military there would simply be no United States of America. And without the United States in the world, there would be global chaos. These are very profound words but history has clearly established that this is…