Tag Archives: pakistan

Lost boys: Moms of radicalized Western jihadists form support group

Boudreau hopes other mothers don’t go through what she did. (Courtesy: Boudreau family) Islamic teaching states that “paradise lies at the feet of your mother,” and a group of Western moms who lost their sons first to radicalization and then…

Former CIA operative: Bergdahl was ‘high’ when captured in Afghanistan

EXCLUSIVE: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was apparently “high” with a small group of Afghan soldiers when they were picked up by nomads in 2009, according to a former CIA operative who was running a network of informants on the ground. The…

Bolton: Obama’s Camp David summit with Gulf leaders a ‘catastrophe,’ next president must make defending country the first priority

This is a rush transcript from “On the Record,” May 14, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: So, what is with the Iran deal? Is it…

Military eyeing former Cold War mountain bunker as ‘shield’ against EMP attack?

New concerns are being raised that the nation’s electrical grid and critical infrastructure are increasingly vulnerable to a catastrophic foreign attack — amid speculation over whether officials are eyeing a former Cold War bunker, inside a Colorado mountain, as a…

Obama exempted Pakistan drone missions from tougher rule in 2013

President Obama secretly granted the Central Intelligence Agency more flexibility to conduct drone strikes targeting terror suspects in Pakistan than anywhere else in the world after approving more restrictive rules in 2013. The Wall Street Journal, citing current and former…

Europe, US must confront homegrown Islamic terror threat before more die

France has a big problem. So does Great Britain. So does the rest of Europe. And so does America. The problem is the several thousand young, native-born Islamist extremists who travel abroad to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq,…

Pakistani court upholds death sentence for Christian woman accused of insulting Islam

Asia Bibi was harvesting berries in Pakistan five years ago when she took the drink of water that could cost her her life. A Christian in the Muslim-dominated and increasingly intolerant nation, the mother of five was quickly assailed by…

Using Bin Laden to sell Americans on Obama’s reelection

In a dazzling demonstration of pure coincidence, President Obama landed in Afghanistan this week on the one year anniversary of Usama bin Laden’s death. I say coincidence because only a hardened cynic would think that the White House political team…