Tag Archives: partnership

Memo to Congress: Don’t give Obama fast track authority for Pacific Trade Pact

Congress should deny President Obama authority to negotiate yet another jobs killing trade pact in the Pacific. Free trade agreements eliminate tariffs and rein in many administrative barriers to commerce—such as inconsistencies in bank regulations and intellectual property laws—and should…

Strong Biologics Data Protection Should Be Non-Negotiable

In just a few weeks time, chief negotiators will re-engage in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks. We will also see a visit from Japanese Prime Minister Abe, who will also address Congress at the end of the month to discuss…

Democrats will splinter on trade deals

Senate Democrats have maintained a united front as a minority in the new Congress — so far. No Democrats crossed party lines on the Homeland Security funding bill vote. Last week’s vote on the Keystone XL pipeline saw some defections.…

Using Bin Laden to sell Americans on Obama’s reelection

In a dazzling demonstration of pure coincidence, President Obama landed in Afghanistan this week on the one year anniversary of Usama bin Laden’s death. I say coincidence because only a hardened cynic would think that the White House political team…