Tag Archives: peace

‘Angel of Peace’: How the media failed Pope 101

They say the devil is in the details, but even if it’s an “angel,” many in the media don’t get it right. When Pope Francis met with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on May 16, he urged Abbas to be…

Ukraine Moves Towards Aligned Status And Maybe Even NATO Membership

Change may be afoot in Ukraine. A vote of 303 to eight in the Ukrainian parliament today showed overwhelming support for the country to renounce their non-aligned status, a position they’ve held since 2010 when Viktor Yanukovych was president. The…

Obama Speech Offers Opportunity for Healing

After seven long years of war, tens of thousands of American casualties, and hundreds of billions of dollars, President Obama last night announced the end of the U.S. combat mission in Iraq. The president had promised to end combat operations…