Tag Archives: perino

Bipartisanship and the promise of the 21st Century Cures Act

Don’t look now, but a wave of bipartisanship is sweeping across Capitol Hill – and this time it’s a matter of life and death. Ok, maybe it’s more of a ripple, but at this stage of stalled legislative progress, that’s…

What makes me proud to be an American: Thoughts on the Fourth of July

Editor’s note: The following is the text of a speech delivered by Fox News co-host Dana Perino at the Fox News Proud American July Fourth celebration at Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. My fellow…

How President Bush gave me back my relationship with my dad

FOX NEWS ALERT: Join Dana Perino at Patriots Point in South Carolina to celebrate the Fourth of July with Fox News Channel! Editor’s note: The following column is excerpted from Dana Perino’s new book, “And the Good News Is…: Lessons…

Is the White House doing enough to defeat the growing ISIS threat?

This is a rush transcript from “The Five,” June 29, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I’m Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Geraldo Rivera, Eric Bolling…

How my dad helped set me up for success

On the morning a friend had a speech due to President George W. Bush, his first daughter was born. My former colleague said he was trying to figure out a way to get the edits the president wanted back by…

Perino: White House sugarcoats Ramadi

Dana Perino told viewers Monday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that the White House tries to “sugarcoat” the deteriorating situation in the Iraqi city of Ramadi, which was captured by ISIS over the weekend. Perino, a former White House…

America’s Dog: Jasper and the book tour that never ends

When I wrote my new book “And the Good News Is…” I fended off attempts by others to cut out parts about my dog Jasper (I have been known to go on and on about him, I know). I’m glad…

Washington, la ciudad de los oficinistas jóvenes e intrépidos

Jairo Mejía Washington, 11 abr (EFEUSA).- Marie Harf, la portavoz en funciones del Departamento de Estado, había ya tomado el estrado como cada día cuando de repente la sala de prensa sin ventanas se sumió en la más absoluta oscuridad.…

‘The Man Who Would Not Be Washington’: Historian Jonathan Horn on Gen. Robert E. Lee

Editor’s note: Fox News anchor and former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino recently sat down with Jonathan Horn, author of the new biography on Robert E. Lee, “The Man Who Would Not Be Washington: Robert E. Lee’s Civil War…