Tag Archives: popular

Rare Victory: Obama administration temporarily drops ammo ban proposal

If President Obama can’t have his way with banning guns, it looks like his next option is to ban the bullets used by those guns. ;Too often, Obama has shown little regard for the law. ;He does what he wants.…

A female boss’s take on Sheryl Sandberg’s “Ban Bossy” campaign

So some popular girls got together and decided they are no longer going to use a particular word, and they decided we can’t use it either. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg teamed up with the Girl Scouts and other influential women…

The Pollsters Got It Right

The mudslinging between the candidates and campaigns in this election was matched by the vitriol spewed over the polls. This one is oversampling Democrats, this one leans Right and this one is biased left. We have heard it all over…

White House: State of the Union Will Not Interfere With ‘Lost’ Premiere

Fans of the television show “Lost,” have no fear. The White House does not plan to schedule President Obama’s first State of the Union address on the same night as the premiere of the popular ABC series. “I don’t foresee…

Tracking Your Taxes: Wireless Welfare

If you own a phone, you’re paying for the fastest growing welfare program in the U.S.: free cell phones for low-income Americans. The program, which is paid for through a tax on all home phones and cell phones known as…