Tag Archives: publishing

Gun-free zones are killing us

Hours before the latest shooting at a movie theater in Louisiana, President Obama lamented what he regards as his greatest failure as president – his inability to pass gun control measures. In an interview with the BBC, he complained that…

Gun-free zones an easy target for killers

The horrible tragedy last night that left nine people dead at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., probably could have been avoided. Like so many other attacks, the massacre took place in a gun-free zone, a place…

Connecticut’s strict gun licensing law linked to steep drop in homicides? Not really

A new study in the American Journal of Public Health claims that the state of Connecticut’s 1995 gun licensing law has reduced firearm homicide rates by 40 percent. But this just released study gives academics a bad name. Not surprisingly,…

There is no nationwide crime wave (and police killings are not up)

Since 1991, murder and violent crime have plummeted in the U. S. But in a widely discussed op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled “The New Nationwide Crime Wave,” Heather Mac Donald recently made a startling claim: “Gun violence in…

Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest)

Things are definitely changing when it comes to the gun debate in America. “True Detective” star Vince Vaughn’s recent comments on mass shootings and killers looking for places “to slaughter defenceless human beings” might be considered controversial coming from someone…

Where’s the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings?

Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don’t seem to be considered news worthy. Don’t people want to read about a brave soul risking his life by running towards the sound of gunfire while others run…

The truth about gun free zones

Gun control advocates this month took a page from the global warming activists playbook: the science is settled, so there is no need for debate. However, instead of actually reviewing the scientific literature on the subject, Professor David Hemenway at…

French Alps crash shows psychiatrists cannot be last line of defense

French Red Cross members pay tribute March 28, 2015, to the victims of a Germanwings plane crash in front of a stone slab erected as a monument in Le Vernet, France. (AP Photo/Claude Paris) There has been a lot of…

Why Michael Bloomberg’s latest push for gun control is all wrong

Michael Bloomberg is spending tens of millions of dollars trying to convince state legislatures to support restrictive gun control laws. ;From television and newspaper ads, to blanketing communities with flyers, to bringing in people from out of state to testify,…

Is gun ownership really down in America?

FILE — Feb. 6, 2015: A dealer arranges handguns in a display case in advance of a show at the Arkansas State Fairgrounds in Little Rock, Arkansas. (Danny Johnston/AP) Is gun ownership falling? The answer is yes, at least if…