Tag Archives: quinnipiac

The truth about 2012 polls

In the 2012 race for the White House President Obama is ahead, but the polls are misleading. ; It seems that each new poll brings good news for Obama. He’s up six points nationally according to the latest Bloomberg numbers.…

What The Polls Are Telling Us Now

There has been a subtle shift in the polls for President Obama — whose approval rating has dropped to 46% in the most recent polling conducted by Gallup and Rasmussen Reports – with disapproval at 53% in the Rasmussen poll…

Why The Election Remains A Tossup

The Quinnipiac poll of swing states– Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania raises profound challenges for President Obama, underscoring why the election is effectively a tossup, notwithstanding his narrow lead in the Real Clear Politics averages. There are a number of reasons…