Tag Archives: region

Bolton: Obama’s Camp David summit with Gulf leaders a ‘catastrophe,’ next president must make defending country the first priority

This is a rush transcript from “On the Record,” May 14, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: So, what is with the Iran deal? Is it…

ISIS demanding $30 million to free Christian hostages, Assyrian source says

ISIS men destroy various Christian symbols in Nineveh, Iraq. EXCLUSIVE – Islamic State militants are demanding up to $30 million in ransom to release the hundreds of Christian hostages in Syria, according to an officer within the Assyrian leadership. In…

ISIS threat: Operation ‘Inherent Resolve’ is a flop. Time to arm the Kurds

President Obama met with the anti-ISIS coalition’s defense ministers at Andrews Air Force Base this week. Afterward, he said the 21 member states agreed that they’re going to defeat ISIS. It sounded great. But it was a fairy tale. The…

The US Must Follow Through On Middle East Aid Commitments

Douglas E. Schoen and Joshua Schoen The Arab Israeli peace talks are on the verge of being restarted after three years. This raises questions as to what the United States’ broader strategic interests are and what role Middle Eastern states…

5 healthy breakfast choices

(iStock) Kick-starting your morning with a healthy breakfast is imperative — it is, after all, the most important meal of the day. Does breakfast in less than 10 minutes sound familiar? It’s far too easy to grab something on your…

How Rep. Anthony Weiner Finally Got Something Right

Thirteen-year Congressman Anthony Weiner did the right and just thing in completely confessing his actions, apologizing to his staff, his constituents, his families, and his wife. In fact when it comes to the textbook approach to dealing with one’s worse…