Tag Archives: regulation

Federal regs for auto dealers costing US economy more than $10B, study says

Federal regulations for auto dealers are costing America’s economy more than $10 billion in lost sales and employment each year, according to a new study conducted by the Center for Automotive Research provided to Fox News. The study finds that…

Why Democrats and Republicans Must Guard Against Unnecessary Regulation

It goes without saying that President Obama and the Democrats are flying high. The president registered a 60 percent approval rating in an ABC/Washington Post opinion poll out this week, his highest since he took office four years ago. Despite…

The Final Push for IPAB Repeal

Congressional Republicans announced on Friday their intent to link the widely supported House bill to repeal the Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) with a more partisan medical malpractice reform bill. The IPAB repeal bill, which has been well-received thus…