Tag Archives: representative

Investigations Remain Important, But Bipartisan Policies Are Now Essential

Early last week, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Representative Jerry Nadler launched a comprehensive investigation into President Trump and his associates. Rep. Nadler sent out 81 letters demanding documents which indicates the broad scope of the new Congressional…

Supreme Court should nix ObamaCare subsidies, instigate reform

The Supreme Court could improve American health care by striking down federal subsidies offered through HealthCare.com—the federal exchange that sells insurance in states without government-run marketplaces. Most Americans never wanted the Affordable Care Act. A recent Gallup poll found 56…

Longtime lawmaker Frank Wolf’s new fight to represent Middle East’s Christians

Former U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf is frustrated at how religious persecution is thriving in the Middle East while the West seems not to heed his or anyone else’s warnings. It’s one of the reasons the Republican finally left Congress last…

Changing ‘normal’ for foster care’s used and abused children

They normalize the experience of being used for financial gain? Isn’t that slavery? Who would say such a thing? Is that an actual quote? These are the words of Ms. Withelma “T” Ortiz Walker Pettigrew as she testified before Congress…

Why The Trade Issue Matters On Election Day

With Election Day only 15 days away, it’s clear that economic issues will drive both President Obama and Governor Romney’s closing arguments. Despite unemployment dropping below 8 percent in the most recent jobs report, poll after poll shows that likely…

Wireless surveillance: Bringing the Fourth Amendment to the 21st century

When Congressman Edward Markey discovered that the cellphone information of more than 1.3 million people was handed over to U.S. law enforcement last year, often without a judge’s consent, he felt something had to be done. Markey (D-Mass.), the senior…

Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan Is A Start — But Only A Start

Move upMove down What the House GOP Budget Means for Seniors Howard Gleckman Contributor How Federal Medicaid Cuts Will Squeeze States Josh Barro Contributor US House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, Republican Representative fom Wisconsin, speaks to the press on…

Shame On the Congressional Black Caucus for Continuing the Blame Game

Congressman Andre Carson, where’s your proof? Carson, a Democratic congressman from Indiana and the legislative “whip” for the Congressional Black Caucus, recently made incendiary accusations about the Tea Party movement and his colleagues supporting it on Capitol Hill. Those remarks…

Liberals Crash Tea Party, But Stay Silent On Black Panther Hate Talk

Over the past year, members of the liberal media, progressive politicians and the Hollywood elite have demonized the Tea Party movement partly by claiming that that Tea Partiers are a fringe group driven by racial animosity. Now, faced with unequivocally…