Tag Archives: romania

Peace Talks Are In The Air At The NATO Summit, But Will Things Ever Change?

The NATO summit in Wales has begun and crisis in Ukraine is the main topic of conversation. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that he is seeking a “bilateral cease-fire” between Ukraine’s army and the pro-Russian separtists who have taken…

Fox Nation celebrates its fifth anniversary

Fox Nation is five years old, but it’s 317.8 million Americans strong. A century-and-a-half ago, Walt Whitman wrote, “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear”—and if the great poet were with us today, he would no doubt be…

GlassesOff app claims to eliminate need for reading glasses

The GlassesOff app cdan train your brain to improve your vision. (GlassesOff) The GlassesOff app cdan train your brain to improve your vision. (GlassesOff) PreviousNext Like death and taxes, reading glasses can seem almost inevitable — perhaps until now. A…