Tag Archives: technology

Innovative ways to use Skype for design, beauty, wellness and cooking

Skype is no longer just for keeping in touch with your grandparents — many people are using it to get the everyday done better. Mary Helen Bowers, the founder and CEO of Ballet Beautiful, started using Skype to stay in…

Secretary Panetta, Here Are 4 Smart Ways to Cut $6 Billion From the Defense Budget

The $400 billion Department of Defense budget decrease that President Obama handed Defense Secretary Gates as he was about to walk out the door was not received very well by even Gates. He had already taken a sizable chunk out…

‘Stealth’ Chinese Fighter Jet Photos No Accident

The Chinese have deliberately and very cleverly leaked their new fifth generation stealth fighter, the J-20, just in time for Secretary of Defense Gates’ long delayed visit to Beijing this Sunday. This is another move by the Chinese to subtly…

The ‘Surge’ Afghanistan Needs

Cold weather has arrived in Afghanistan, signaling the end the summer fighting season. President Obama and his administration are offering their review of our Afghan strategy today after a successful NATO Summit at Lisbon and a quick photo op visit…

Petraeus Must Change War Strategy or Risk Failure

It is unfortunate that President Obama had to accept Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s resignation for his serious lack of judgment with the Rolling Stone article. McChrystal has been a superb warfighter, but this was way out of bounds. I have had…

Remembering Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

Shortly after the Civil War both the North and South started to recognize those warriors who died in the epic war of our time. Originally this day was called “Decoration Day,” in which all the graves of those killed in…

6 Things That Kill Your Memory

Memory is a marvel of human biology — essential to mankind’s way of life and survival, but so complex that it is not yet fully understood. As a physiological process, the storing and retrieval of information is imperfect and thus…