Thankful that ‘Semper Fidelis’ is more than a slogan, it’s a way of life


Nov. 21, 2014: In this photo provided by the U.S. Marines, U.S. Marine Capt. Derek Herrera, center, 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion, salutes during his awards and retirement ceremony at Camp Pendleton, Calif. (AP Photo/U.S. Marines, Sgt. Scott A. Achtemeier)

For what am I thankful? Herewith, in chronological order, that for which I am most grateful:

I’m thankful the Good Lord decided I would be born in the United States of America, a son of the Greatest Generation; in this place blessed with bounty beyond measure; a fruitful land with resources and opportunities too vast to quantify.

I’m grateful to live among the most diverse, prosperous and generous population on earth; in a country where We The People govern and where our Constitution protects God-given rights to worship as we please; speak as we want; come and go as we w

I’m thankful that for the first time since the American Revolution, everyone serving in a U.S. uniform during this long war is a volunteer – and that Freedom Alliance does so much to help those in uniform and their families who sacrifice so much in the cause of Liberty..

For my entire seventy-one years it has been my privilege to keep company with heroes – those who selflessly place themselves at risk for the benefit of others. I’m grateful for parents and mentors who led by example in teaching my siblings and me that we’re not here to simply endure the future in some desperately uneven contest but to persevere and use our God-given gifts and talents to change tomorrow for the good.

I’m glad to have learned from those with whom I grew up – and have reinforced by those with whom I associate today – that we’re not here to complain about the steepness of the climb but to reach out and help others from getting lost along the way.

I’m thankful that in 1961 I joined the United States Marines and learned that “Semper Fidelis” is more than a slogan. Rather, “Always Faithful” is a way of life.

I’m grateful for my cousin Kathy for introducing me in 1968 to the love of my life, my best friend, the mother of our four children and now the grandmother of 14 ½ grandchildren.

Every day I appreciate that my only “beat” for Fox News are the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Guardsmen and Marines who defend our nation – and that for 13 years I’ve had the opportunity to accompany the best and bravest of this generation in the difficult and dangerous places where they defeat evil enemies.

I’m thankful that for the first time since the American Revolution, everyone serving in a U.S. uniform during this long war is a volunteer – and that Freedom Alliance does so much to help those in uniform and their families who sacrifice so much in the cause of Liberty.

On Thanksgiving Day we will gather our growing tribe and a good number of neighbors and friends. We will thank our Lord and Savior for the young Americans serving in harm’s way on land, sea and in the air and ask for their protection. Hopefully our countrymen will do so as well.

Col. Oliver L. North (ret.) serves as host of the Fox News Channel documentary series “War Stories with Oliver North.” From 1983 to 1986, he served as the U.S. government’s counterterrorism coordinator on the National Security Council staff. North is the founder of Freedom Alliance, an organization providing college scholarships to the children of military personnel killed in the line of duty and author of the new nationwide bestseller, “Counterfeit Lies,” a novel about how Iran is acquiring nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them. Click here for more information on Oliver North.