“The pivot is based on the supposition that China wasn’t serious about asserting their primacy – Washington underestimated China’s ambitions.”
If the last week has proven anything, it’s that Professor Hugh White was exactly right when he argued the above at a recent Council on Foreign Relations meeting. China is moving forward with their plan to establish at least parity – if not move ahead – of the US in terms of power in the Asian world.
The most recent step towards achieving this goal was China’s decision last week to announce that they establishing an “air defense identification zone” over the contested islands in the East China Sea.
This move certainly rattled the Obama administration. They sent two unarmed B-52 bombers on a mission through China’s so-called “defense identification zone”, which were on a routine training mission planned in advance of China’s announcement, but nevertheless sent a message to Beijing that they were overstepping.
That said, the US government has said that it expects American airlines to comply with China’s rules for its new defense zone. They argue that compliance doesn’t mean acceptance, but as European carriers are not complying, we certainly look like we’re playing along.
A senior Pentagon official in Guam said that the US mission “was a demonstration of long-established international rights to freedom of navigation and transit through international airspace.” The official said the unilateral Chinese declaration of expanded control “was provocative,” and “only increases the risk of miscalculation in the region.”
Judging by China’s behavior over the past few years, I see no other way to view China’s advance than a big miscalculation, but on the part of the US.
As David Sanger argues in the New York Times, the “dangerous contest suddenly erupting over a pile of rocks in the East China Sea seems almost a throwback to the Cold War.” It appears that after years of turning a blind eye to Chinese aggression – and indeed Russia’s – we could be facing a serious conflict that will determine who exercises influence over a region we cannot afford to lose.
To be sure, it is right and appropriate that Vice President Joe Biden has gone to Tokyo to stand shoulder to shoulder with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and soothe an anxious ally over China’s claim to the disputed islands. And he will communicate our viewpoint to Beijing personally when he travels to China.
But it is my fear – and the fear of many for that matter – that China isn’t interested in hearing that we are standing with Japan in this matter or that we are interested in lowering tensions in the region, as Biden said after his meeting with Prime Minister Abe. This is old news to China and, frankly, doesn’t affect the way they operate or the way they see the world.
Just think back to the famous “shirtsleeves summit” between President Obama and President Xi last summer. President Obama told the American people that it was his top priority to make headway with President Xi on China’s elaborate and state-sponsored cyber hacking program.
In the end, Obama sought cooperation on hacking and Xi continued to deny Chinese involvement. And it could likely be more of the same when Biden meets Xi over the airspace issue.
I do not mean that Xi will deny that China is advancing in the region, but that he will care little about keeping the balance of power in the region in check or for Japan’s claim to the disputed islands. Indeed, they have been moving in this direction for years.
It follows that the US needs to come up with bold solutions to make power sharing in the region work effectively.
As Professor White argued, “Everybody in Asia fears living under China – everyone wants the US to find a way to stay in Asia…the US needs to show intent and commitment to stay, but a willingness to work with China. Nothing less than a fundamental change in the relationship will do.”
It will be the job of the US to come up with the guidelines for this fundamental reconfiguration of its relationship with China. And our same old approach to diplomacy with China is surely not the way.