Editor’s note: The second presidential debate took place at Hofstra University in New York on October 16. Here are some of the top tweets of the evening.
Dana Perino @DanaPerino:I am hereby begging the Romney campaign to ignore questions about what he and mrs Romney are having for dinner.
Dick Morris @DickMorrisTweet: #debates advantage Romney on first exchange. Romney sounds very good in saying things aren’t good. More credible than “your future is…
GregGutfeld @greggutfeld: At least without the windmills, it would be 10 dollars a gallon.
mike murphy @murphymike: Dear debate commission; if you won’t kill off this silly town hall format once and for all; next time at least hold it in a swing state.
National Review @NRO: “That wasn’t a question, that was a statement” – holy mother of slapdowns #debate
Lanny Davis @LannyDavis: Obama and Romney trying to get response and Crowley controlling this more than any previous moderator in memory. Good for Candy
Sean Hannity @seanhannity: Mr. President what doesn’t add up is your 6 trillion in debt #HofstraDebate
Byron York @ByronYork: Romney came to fight, but bottom line so far is that Obama is vastly better than he was in Denver.
kirsten powers @kirstenpowers10: Good pandering to women by Obama. Now it’s Romney’s turn. Hear them roar.
Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO: “Binders full of women” sounds like evidence seized from a Russian mail order bride/prostitution ring.
GregGutfeld @greggutfeld: I haven’t seen a man grovel before women since The Bachelorette.
Rich Lowry @RichLowry: this is the crux of the debate–obama says romney policies have been tried and failed; romney says obama policies have been tried and failed
GregGutfeld @greggutfeld: WOW. without a teleprompter Romney just made Obama seem like a good man who tried.
John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz: Lorraine, I love your quiche.
Bernard Goldberg @BernardGoldberg: Romney says Obama cares so much about dead Americans that he flies off to Vegas for fundraiser. BINGO! #Debates
GregGutfeld @greggutfeld: a gun control question? …that’s like asking mice if he’s against cats.
Dick Morris @DickMorrisTweet: #debates not as big as first debate, but a definite win nonetheless. Romney will continue momentum as a result of this debate.
John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz: Once the next 15 minutes are over, “binders full of women” is only going to be funny to people who don’t actually have a sense of humor
Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin: YEP. RT @NolteNC Candy Crowley proved why these media fact checkers are toxic liars. #townhalldebate #lapdogs
Rupert Murdoch @rupertmurdoch: O much livelier this time, but could not promise any better four years than last. Surely the only big issue.
Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle: 23 million Americans will wake up this morning, after what Obama’s spin-meisters call a debate “win,” still w/out work, still very worried.
Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome: I predict tonight’s debate has a DRAMATIC impact on predictions for the next debate.
Bill Hemmer @BillHemmer: Hmmm… Round 3? RT @markknoller CBS News poll uncommitted voters: 37% say Pres Obama won, 30% say Romney, remainder called it a tie.
Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer: Rom was highly effective in showing what O did in 4 yrs hasn’t worked. O was good at punching at Rom’s positions. Draw.
Ben White @morningmoneyben: Why do we never ever ever talk about the housing market in these debates? It’s INSANE.