Tag Archives: advice

Bipartisanship and the promise of the 21st Century Cures Act

Don’t look now, but a wave of bipartisanship is sweeping across Capitol Hill – and this time it’s a matter of life and death. Ok, maybe it’s more of a ripple, but at this stage of stalled legislative progress, that’s…

The day President Bush’s tears spilled onto a Marine’s face at Walter Reed

Editor’s note: The following column is excerpted from Fox News anchor and political analyst Dana Perino’s new book, “And the Good News Is… Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side” (Twelve, April 21, 2015). News of America’s military men and…

Kyra Phillips on fertility, family and having it all

Great career, love, family – can women really have it all? Yes, according to CNN anchor Kyra Phillips, who opens up about her struggle getting pregnant and her advice for other women in her book, “The Whole Life Fertility Plan.”…