Tag Archives: bachelor

11 most-scandalous reality show moments of all time

In reality TV’s 25-plus year history, there have been plenty of controversial moments. In the early years, cast clashes were fairly infrequent and typically mundane. But as soon as producers and network execs figured out that scandal equals ratings, there…

A female boss’s take on Sheryl Sandberg’s “Ban Bossy” campaign

So some popular girls got together and decided they are no longer going to use a particular word, and they decided we can’t use it either. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg teamed up with the Girl Scouts and other influential women…

Penn State students are building a moon lander for Google’s Lunar X Prize

Gretchen Buttorf, an Aerospace Engineering junior at Penn St., tests a student-designed rocket engine test rig for the Lunar Lion moonlander. (Penn State) Forget ‘rithmetic. For these students, it’s reading, writing and robotic moon landing. In their free time, most…