Tag Archives: barack

El Tribunal Supremo bloquea los planes de Obama para limitar las emisiones de las plantas eléctricas

Washington – El Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos decidió hoy bloquear las iniciativas del Gobierno del presidente Barack Obama para limitar las emisiones de plantas eléctricas que utilizan carbón. Con cinco votos a favor y cuatro en contra, el Supremo…

President Obama, here’s how you build a legacy

Two years from now, the country will be on the verge of inaugurating the 45th president of the United States. The presidency of Barack Obama will be over, and to the joy and relief of many Americans, there will be…

Washington busca dar ayuda escolar a inmigrantes

SEATTLE – La Cámara de Representantes del estado de Washington aprobó el miércoles una medida que permitiría que los jóvenes inmigrantes no autorizados soliciten ayuda financiera para estudiar la universidad. La medida bipartidista fue aprobada por 77 votos contra 20…

Why did Obama use the N-word to describe his grandfather?

“My image of Onyango, faint as it was, had always been of an autocratic man—a cruel man, perhaps. But I had also imagined him an independent man, a man of his people, opposed to white rule… What Granny had told…

Is Jon Stewart Racist?

Let’s say a white guy goes on television, puts on an exaggerated “Amos ‘n Andy” “black voice” and proceeds to make fun of a black man whose politics the white guy doesn’t like. Actually, let’s say he goes beyond merely…

Obama 2012 Win a Sure Thing?

For all of my conservative friends who think that Barack Obama will never be re-elected if the economy is still in the doldrums next year, I have three words for you: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR was re-elected in 1936 and…