Tag Archives: benghazi

Will missing e-mails hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign?

This is a rush transcript from “Special Report,” June 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SHANNON BREAM, GUEST ANCHOR: All right, we have another topic today that we want to make…

Report: Hillary tapped future campaign network for Benghazi spin

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Report: Hillary tapped future campaign network for Benghazi spin• Hamilton taken in Lew of a Dem• Walker takes another step• PAC man says Jeb’s cash haul…

Fool of the Week: America’s lap dog, lamestream media

Well, it was a week filled with fools. But who would be “Fool of the Week”? Would it be Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid for calling Republican’s “losers”? Or would it be ESPN reporter Britt McHenry for losing her temper?…

Congress first asked Hillary Clinton about personal email use in 2012, letter shows

Hillary Clinton ignored questions from congressional investigators in December 2012 about her use of a personal e-mail account while secretary of state. The latest revelation comes days after Clinton announced her candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. The announcement…