Tag Archives: bolling

Wake Up America: The NBA Finals and terror on the court

The NBA is in the middle of an amazing finals. LeBron is trying to break Cleveland’s fifty year championship drought. And a Golden State warrior team looking for their first in 40 years. It’s awesome basketball. That and the Obama…

Wake up, America: My message for Azealia Banks

Last week I noted a rising hip-hop star who had just done an interview in playboy. In that spread, Azealia Banks declared that she “hates America” and that she “hates fat white people.” She blamed white privilege and capitalism for…

Gutfeld: Starbucks CEO puts baristas in dangerous position

As you know, Starbucks boss, Howard Schultz, wants to talk race with customers and it’s not who do you like in Fifth at Belmont. It’s such bad idea that even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who really likes Schultz thinks it could probably…

Wake Up, America: Advice for conservatives about Hillary Clinton email scandal (hint: it’s a big deal)

Wake Up America.. .. don’t get sucked into the liberal trap. James Carville is out spinning the story that the Clintons are victims. Yes, poor Hillary, and Bill. It looks like the media is too hard on them. They don’t…

Wake Up America: Beware Team Obama’s dangerous plan to ban bullets

The president who promised to fundamentally transform America has been busy fulfilling his promise. First, he started by twisting capitalism into a pretzel. A trillion tax dollars saved his donor pals at Goldman Sachs and his union buddies at General…

Fool of the Week: MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry

The thing about this honor (“Fool of the Week”) is that it can be awarded for a single comment stemming from a momentary lapse in judgment. We’ve all been there. Or it can be given to a repeat offender. A…