Tag Archives: breakfast

Parting Shot: Outgoing Arizona Gov. Brewer calls Obama a ‘failed president’

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, stepping down after six years in office where she was a perpetual thorn in the side of the Obama administration, is leaving with a parting shot — calling President Obama a “failed president.” “He’s been a…

An S.O.S. for Cap’n Crunch?

(Abrams) If we are what eat, in breakfast terms we’re no longer shredded, puffed and flaked grains. We’re protein-dense, bacteria-rich strained milk. To put it another way, Cap’n Crunch is foundering in a sea of Greek yogurt. Cereal is losing…

Read an excerpt from Eric Metaxas’ new book, ‘Jesus Hates Dead Religion’

Editor’s note: FoxNews.com is pleased to present an excerpt from Eric Metaxas’ new book: “Jesus Hates Dead Religion: Bonhoeffer, Wilberforce and the Power of Living Faith.” (Thomas Nelson 2012) A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE NATIONAL PRAYER…