Tag Archives: carter

Defense Nominee: Ashton Carter terrific choice but will Obama listen to him?

The most important appointment President Obama will make for the rest of his time in office is the next secretary of defense. For the next two years, every major foreign policy problem he faces will be contentious, and largely a…

Beyond MP3: New push for high-resolution music so clear you can hear a pin drop

The Sony HAP-Z1ES, a music player that can handle high-resolution DSD audio files and won an Innovation award at the 2014 CES. (Sony) The iPod marked a huge leap forward for the music industry — and a step backward, too.…

No tears today, but still hope

The public swearing-in ceremony for America’s 44th president and his second inaugural speech was viewed by millions on television and a crowd of 600,000 to 800,000 who braved the cold to watch history in person. The event, as always, was…

Both Obama, Romney making appalling use of bin Laden killing as political fodder

Appalled. That is the only word I can use to describe my reaction to the Obama and Romney campaign’s efforts to politicize the one year anniversary of the successful raid on Usama Bin Laden. It was my sense that president…