Tag Archives: christ

A symbol of hope for persecuted Christians

The Arabic letter for “N” is a tiny symbol that Islamic extremists use to mark the homes and businesses of Christians as a sign of contempt, much like the Nazis in World War II used the Star of David to…

Ancient grains making a modern-day comeback

Ancient grains like farro are part of a growing industry for alternative foods. (iStock) Man first cultivated grain roughly 10,000 years ago, letting him diversify his Quest for Fire diet of animal parts, seeds and berries. Now those selfsame “ancient…

Ten tips for the best faith-promoting experience through the Middle East

The ‘Dome of the Rock’ in Jerusalem. (iStock) From visiting the Sea of Galilee to the Dome of the Rock, walking the paths Jesus walked or where Bible stories took place is a once-in-a-lifetime experience those of many faiths say…

LARRY GATLIN: The Reason for Christmas Is Easter

To those of you who shy away from any religious “stuff” appearing in an op-ed or in political discourse, in general, I say, “bah, humbug.” Some definers say that religion only is another word for “worldview,” so please don’t get…