Tag Archives: christian

After gay marriage loss in high court, conservatives issue call to arms for religious freedom

NEW YORK – Now that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide, religious conservatives are focusing on preserving their right to object. Their concerns are for the thousands of faith-based charities, colleges and hospitals that want to hire, fire, serve and set…

Feds go after motorcycle gang members – by claiming rights to their logo

The trademarked logo of Southern California’s largest motorcycle gang is unmistakable: a black-and-white image of 12th Century conqueror Genghis Khan, wearing sunglasses and bell bottoms riding a chopper while carrying a sword. For the club’s 600 fully patched members, the…

British pop stars team with Iraqi clergy to condemn ISIS in song

Hal St John of Ooberfuse and Archbishop Warda in the We Are One video . (Screengrab) A British pop band and an Iraqi Christian leader have teamed up for an emotional music video dedicated to thousands of refugees forced to…

Iran nuclear deal and the White House credibility gap

Too bad the “framework” of a nuclear weapons deal with Iran didn’t come four days earlier on April Fools’ Day. It would have been more appropriate. The United States is being asked to foolishly believe promises by a regime that…

Mama Maggie: the ‘Mother Teresa of Cairo’ inspires Coptic Christians

The brutal beheadings of 21 Coptic Christians at the hands of ISIS terrorists shocked the world. But almost as worldview shattering was the strong faith of the victims, even in the face of certain death. Now we know where their…

Ted Cruz: Thanks to liberal media candidate will soon have new name… ‘Extremist’

It didn’t take long for the major media to attack Senator Ted Cruz. In fact, they started before his Monday announcement that he’s running for president. On Sunday, “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd teased an interview with California Governor…

Father’s Day: To all the good dads out there, thank you

The television show “Modern Family” is a huge hit. In fact, it was just named the most-watched TV comedy series in the world at the 54th Monte-Carlo TV Festival. Both Gov. Mitt Romney and President Obama in the 2012 campaign…

Lebanon’s presidency goes unfilled as Christian infighting threatens stability

When Lebanese President Michel Sleiman stepped down last month, it created a vacuum in Lebanon’s government. (AP) When Lebanese President Michel Sleiman’s term ended on May 25, he left a vacuum that some fear could further erode the influence of…

Is conservative free speech banned in America?

(Reuters) Is there free speech left in America…if you’re a conservative or Christian? Isn’t free speech protected by the U.S. Constitution? Can your views cost you your job, career or property? Don’t look now but it’s happening. Views considered “too…

Donald Sterling, Cliven Bundy and the truth about racism

When you picture a racist, what images spring to mind? I ask, because in a single week, my own answer to that question has come to include to images of otherwise seemingly innocent types, and in that shift, lay important…