Tag Archives: court

Murder charges for 2 former Georgia police officers accused of using stun guns on man in cuffs

ATLANTA – A grand jury indictment charging two former Atlanta area police officers with murder says a man died after the officers used stun guns on him while his hands were cuffed behind his back. The indictment filed Tuesday charges…

IRS Targeted Mainstream Conservatives

Judicial Watch Wednesday announced that IRS scrutiny of conservative groups went beyond tea party organizations and included higher profile groups, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Crossroads GPS, associated with former George W. Bush advisor Karl Rove. The…

3 Supreme Court justices maintained substantial stock holdings in 2014, financial reports show

WASHINGTON – New personal financial disclosures from the Supreme Court show that Chief Justice John Roberts and two other justices are maintaining significant investments in individual companies’ stock. The details of investments held by Roberts, Justice Samuel Alito and Justice…

Are Airlines Conspiring to Keep Prices High?

The Justice Department is investigating price collusion among the airlines. Just two years ago, The Obama Administration approved the merger of American Airlines and U.S. Airways, and now just four airlines control some 80% of the market. Prices have been…

Bill O’Reilly: The Supreme Court rules

The court acceptance of Obama Care and gay marriage was predictable. In fact, there is a legal team accurately for a toll what would happen last week. The Supreme Court is made up of nine individuals who see America in…

Ted Cruz blasts the Supreme Court’s ‘damaging decisions’

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” June 29, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY: Welcome to “Hannity.” Tonight, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have issued a…

Supreme Court rules against EPA on power plant regs

In a major win for the energy industry, the Supreme Court ruled Monday against the Environmental Protection Agency’s effort to limit certain power plant emissions — saying the agency “unreasonably” failed to consider the cost of the regulations. The rules…

Justices uphold Arizona’s system for redistricting

The Supreme Court on Monday upheld Arizona congressional districts drawn by an independent commission and rejected a constitutional challenge from Republican lawmakers. The 5-4 outcome preserves efforts in 13 states to limit partisan influence in redistricting. Most notably, California uses…

After gay marriage loss in high court, conservatives issue call to arms for religious freedom

NEW YORK – Now that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide, religious conservatives are focusing on preserving their right to object. Their concerns are for the thousands of faith-based charities, colleges and hospitals that want to hire, fire, serve and set…

UN report denies Israel’s right of self-defense, advocates arrest of Israelis instead

Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu and any other “suspected” Israeli war criminals wherever and whenever you can get your hands on them. That is the shocking bottom line of a scandalous report released today from the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva.…