Tag Archives: disease

E-cigarettes: a doctor’s view of the good, the bad and the ugly

Do e-cigarettes work? Are they safe? First, my own experience as a doctor – I have found e-cigarettes to be one of the most effective methods of cutting down or quitting smoking for recalcitrant smokers. ; This is because e-cigarettes…

Preventing alcoholism among college students

Alcoholism is a disease, and like many serious diseases it has genetic factors, affects major organs in the body, can spread to others including our young, and is difficult to treat. But like any disease it can be treated –…

The new Grenada — an island paradise and astonishing medical research hub

(PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR) (PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR) (PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR) PreviousNext St. George’s, Grenada – Many Americans may know about the Caribbean island of Grenada only if they remember the 1983 US military operation, when…

Lung Cancer Caregivers Find Support Online

Imagine being told out of nowhere that someone you love has lung cancer and their chances of survival look grim. Now, imagine that your loved one doesn’t smoke and is otherwise healthy. . . It happens more than you think.…

Feel The Burn: The Lowdown on Heartburn

Pizza, wings and beer can be a heavenly combination. When enjoyed during a big sports game, these mouth-watering morsels will bring you nothing but wave after wave of intense pleasure – until, of course, the heartburn sets in. If you…

6 Things That Kill Your Memory

Memory is a marvel of human biology — essential to mankind’s way of life and survival, but so complex that it is not yet fully understood. As a physiological process, the storing and retrieval of information is imperfect and thus…