Tag Archives: Election 2012

Onward Ho!

Having overcome a huge hurdle by winning a commanding 15 point victory last night the Florida Primary, once again, it seems all but inevitable that Governor Romney will win the GOP nomination. But make no mistake; significant challenges still lie…

How to Fix Medicare, Redux

The Republican Presidential primary’s shift down south to Florida has brought discussions of healthcare, particularly Medicare, back to the forefront of the national discourse.  With its struggling economy and sizeable elderly population, social welfare programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social…

Beyond Florida

Mitt Romney is now almost certain to win a commanding victory tomorrow night in the Florida primary – most likely by double digits. The latest NBC News/Marist poll shows Romney with a wide lead among likely Republican Primary voters in…

A Good Offense, Not Defense, is the Only Way for Romney to Win

The poll evidence is clear. Only candidates who are on the offense. score points with an angry, restive Republican electorate. Romney went into the second Florida debate Thursday night in Jacksonville riding a wave of momentum that had been growing…

Resurgent, But Not-Yet Inevitable

Winning Tuesday’s Florida primary –which seems very likely now following back-to-back debate wins in Tampa and Jacksonville–will make Mitt Romney the frontrunner in the GOP field. A new Quinnipiac Poll released this morning show Mr. Romney now leading Mr. Gingrich…

Four More Years! ….of Gridlock

President Obama’s State of the Union speech last night was an artful demonstration of the politics of demonization, but one that lacked any effort to build consensus, conciliation, or a real plan for the future. Notwithstanding President Obama’s lofty rhetoric…

The RIGHT Strategy For Romney

With the GOP primary race now wide-open days before the Florida Primary, one thing is certain. If Mitt Romney hopes to reestablish himself as the inevitable GOP nominee before Florida primary voters head to the polls on the 31st, he…

The Message Obama and Democrats Got from Iowa

Make no mistake. For the White  House, the Iowa  caucuses were a huge victory. Why? Because no clear frontrunner emerged, and the data  shows that Mitt  Romney at the very least is a very vulnerable winner. Romney got traditional, upscale,…