Tag Archives: europe

Doctors moonlight to create prize-winning specialty foods

This award winning sauce is non-GMO and gluten-free. (Bone Doctor’s Barbecue Sauce) A robust spice blend. (Bone Doctor’s Barbecue Sauce) A unique set of sauces. (Bone Doctor’s Barbecue Sauce) A radiologist made this cake. (Calamondin Cafe) This versatile jar of…

Technology and the Golden Rule: The Internet does not erase our moral responsibility

The Internet does not erase our moral responsibility – some activities involving technology are simply wrong. Our culture, mores, religion and the weight of judgment of the Internet community can and should encourage ethical behavior. I suggest we live by…

President Obama Defends His Foreign Policy In West Point Speech — But Where Do We Go From Here?

In his commencement address at West Point this morning, President Obama offered a defense of his administration’s foreign policy over the past six years and his vision for the future of American foreign policy. The speech comes on the heels…

Fox Nation celebrates its fifth anniversary

Fox Nation is five years old, but it’s 317.8 million Americans strong. A century-and-a-half ago, Walt Whitman wrote, “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear”—and if the great poet were with us today, he would no doubt be…

Receive a real elfin education in Iceland

Elf Quest According to a 2007 poll, the majority of Icelanders don’t deny the existence of elves and 8 percent believe in them outright. ;The elves live in craggy hillsides and cave near running water, which visitors (like the writer…

A World Without America’s Leadership and Military Might Would Be Chaos

Without the United States military there would simply be no United States of America. And without the United States in the world, there would be global chaos. These are very profound words but history has clearly established that this is…