Tag Archives: financial

Life after loss: Reflecting on the impact an individual can make in others’ lives

Woody Fraser (left) and Hal Meyers (right) met 30 years ago and maintained a close friendship until Hal’s death in 2015. My husband lost his best friend today: Hal Meyers, the salt of the earth. He was my dear friend,…

Truth Serum: How radical college professors get hired

This is a RUSH transcript from “The O’Reilly Factor,” June 10, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.Watch “The O’Reilly Factor” weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET! O’REILLY: “Truth Serum” segment…

Turkey general election: What’s at stake and why it matters

Turkey’s national parliamentary election on June 7th matters. The future direction of one of the Middle East’s strongest, most economically successful, most populous countries is at stake. While President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s name is not on the ballot, this Sunday’s…

UN agency food aid vouchers in Syrian crisis diverted and sold for cash

A Syrian refugee removes water and mud around his UN-supplied tent, at Zaatari Syrian refugee camp, near the Syrian border in Mafraq, Jordan. (AP Photo/Mohammad Hannon) EXCLUSIVE: A World Food Program initiative that handed out hundreds of millions of dollars…

Ukraine Gets A Bailout — Still Needs More Support

Far from the scandals of Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate and the hoopla surrounding Senate Republicans’ “Iran letter,” the crisis in Ukraine continues to boil. Yet even the most ardent news junkies could be forgiven for being under informed on the subject—…

Jobs Report: Friday unemployment numbers hide widespread joblessness

The economy added 257,000 jobs in January, down significantly from the 324,000 fourth quarter average monthly gain. Overall, the economy is creating jobs but lower oil prices and a strong dollar are slowing the pace. Unemployment rose a notch to…

Detroit bankruptcy: Why judge’s decision on city’s fate will impact every American

Will American cities in financial distress be given a legal precedent to use Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection to prioritize selected creditors, like pensioners, even if it violates bankruptcy law? Has the bankruptcy process devolved into a political instrument, improperly influenced…

Why women still need husbands

Over the past several decades, America has witnessed a profound change in the way women view men and marriage. It began with the baby boomer adage “never depend on a man.” This message resulted in a generation of women who…

Just How Cash-Strapped is the FHA?

A top House Republican challenged the Obama Administration Monday over the financial health of the Federal Housing Administration a day before a hearing on the agency’s recent $1.7 billion Treasury Department bailout. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, (R-TX), chairman of the House…

Republicans dealing Obama the winning hand in government shutdown fight

It seems that President Obama has more allies on the Hill than we thought. But they’re not who you’d expect. The Republicans and Ted Cruz have become President Obama’s greatest ally. Their latest gambit appears to have failed and there…