Tag Archives: king

Facing the statistics: What we can all learn from one mom battling cancer

This image shows metastasized human breast cancer cells (magnified 400 times, stained brown) in lymph nodes. (National Cancer Institute) National Cancer Survivors Day has come and gone. This past Sunday was the 28th year set aside to celebrate worldwide the…

Congressman, you’ve got some explaining to do

Nov. 6, 2012: Mark Pocan, D-Wisc., alongside his husband, Philip Frank in Madison, Wisconsin. (Reuters) **Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Congressman, you’ve got some explaining to do• Team Jeb tries to…

Climate scientists criticize government paper that erases ‘pause’ in warming

Until last week, government data on climate change indicated that the Earth has warmed over the last century, but that the warming slowed dramatically and even stopped at points over the last 17 years. But a paper released May 28…

Hillary can’t hide from ObamaCare

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** Buzz Cut:• Hillary can’t hide from ObamaCare• Baier Tracks: Obama’s incomplete Iraq strategy• Jeb stokes Nineties nostalgia with Europe trip• NYT hits Rubio… again• He’s very big in…

There is no nationwide crime wave (and police killings are not up)

Since 1991, murder and violent crime have plummeted in the U. S. But in a widely discussed op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled “The New Nationwide Crime Wave,” Heather Mac Donald recently made a startling claim: “Gun violence in…

A high-tech way to detect a mail bomb

File photo. (REUTERS/John Gress) The US Postal Service delivers more than 160 billion pieces of mail a year, so how can we tell if one of those pieces is a bomb in disguise? A new piece of technology uses harmless,…

Control stress with communication

powered by Live Control stress with communication Jun. 08, 2015 – 7:29 – It’s no secret that how you handle stress has a big impact on your health. However, what if the key to having optimal health is in how…

Baby pacifiers 101: How to choose, use and wean

Paci, binky, dummie. Whatever you call it, chances are your baby has one. And when that little sucker rolls under the crib, gets buried in the diaper bag, or your baby cries for it in the middle of the night,…

US believes China behind cybersecurity breach affecting at least 4M federal employees

Hackers based in China are believed to be behind a massive data breach that could have compromised the personal data of at least 4 million current and former federal employees, U.S. officials said late Thursday. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, a…

Obama administration scrambles to contain damage from ‘massive data breach’

The Obama administration was scrambling Friday to contain the damage from a massive cyber-breach which may have put the entire federal workforce at risk, as officials began to point the finger at China-based hackers. The Department of Homeland Security issued…