Tag Archives: martin

Biggest misconceptions about finding the lowest airfares

Don’t be fooled by booking websites: Travel agents have tricks up their sleeves that automated websites have never heard of. (iStock) There’s a “magic” hour to find the best prices. This is the biggest myth of all. Airfares can change…

Trayvon Martin’s alleged attacker not covered under law I wrote

The tragic story of Trayvon Martin’s death in Sanford, Florida has ignited a great deal of passion and concern regarding the circumstances of his death and the defense applied by the attacker, George Zimmerman. The fact that Trayvon Martin unnecessarily…

Left Declares Hunting Season on ‘Mama Grizzlies’

With progressives worried their hold on power may be tenuous, they are honing their attack on the driving power behind the rise of the Tea Party movement: conservative women. Former President Bill Clinton – of all people – was recently…