Tag Archives: medical

How pollution is harming the Earth – and our health

The skyline of downtown Los Angeles through a layer of smog is seen in the distance from a rooftop in Hollywood, California, May 31, 2006. (REUTERS/Fred Prouser/Files) Pollution, quite literally, stinks. And as ominous images from around the world show,…

How owning a dog can improve your health

(GERMANY SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT ANIMALS) When illness or injury strikes, the road to recovery is often paved with medications and therapies, in addition to a healthy diet, physical activity and plenty of TLC. Healing is serious business, and you must be…

My dinner with the family of Justina Pelletier

In case you’ve ever wondered, when you take a psychiatrist to dinner (especially a forensic psychiatrist, like me), he doesn’t leave the office 100 percent. No well-trained psychiatrist can. The “third ear” we develop during training – the one that…

It’s time for states to outlaw anonymous sperm, ova donations

I recently appeared on Fox News to talk about the case of Rebecca Blackwell and her son Travis, who is the product of artificial insemination via an anonymous sperm donor. ; When Travis searched for and found his biological father,…

Fort Hood: Yet another tragedy from our broken mental health care system

Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, commanding general of III Corps and Fort Hood, speaks with the media outside of an entrance to the Fort Hood military base following a shooting that occurred inside, Wednesday, April 2, 2014, in Fort Hood, Texas.…

Can organic farming save us from overexposure to pesticides?

(REUTERS/Mike Blake/Files) Organic produce is unlike its conventionally-grown counterpart. Careful steps are taken to ensure every carrot, strawberry, beet, potato or head of lettuce is cultivated using organic, time-tested practices, like spreading house-made fertilizer on crops or irrigating from open…

Those bad old foods are good for you now

What’s old is new again may be the simplest way to avoid whiplash when deciding what’s good to eat. Some foods that doctors were telling us to avoid just a few years ago are now being heartily embraced. Food science…

The biggest ObamaCare lie (and it’s not ‘you can keep your doctor’)

A new survey by the Commonwealth Fund reveals that over a third of Americans say they don’t have access to health care because of cost or insurance red tape. The idea that the Affordable Care Act will somehow make this…

A physician’s ObamaCare confession — you want to keep your doctor but will your doctor keep you?

Don’t you wish we could roll back the clock to the time when ObamaCare was on the table four years ago and start the discussion about health reform all over again? I know I do. And among doctors, I am…

Tips for a stress-free babymoon

Couples/Maternity Professional Photography Session Casa Velas Puerto Vallarta, Mexico “The photo shoot for the couple is taken during their stay in different areas at Casa Velas and at the resort’s private Ocean Club,” said Aurora Ubeda, the sales manager of…