Tag Archives: mississippi

Lawmakers take aim at EPA ‘sue-and-settle’ collusion

Faced with President Obama’s vastly expensive Clean Power Plan to remake the U.S. electrical system and other looming regulatory decisions that dramatically affect energy supplies, Republican lawmakers have renewed their offensive against alleged under-the-table legal collusion between the administration and…

Are Airlines Conspiring to Keep Prices High?

The Justice Department is investigating price collusion among the airlines. Just two years ago, The Obama Administration approved the merger of American Airlines and U.S. Airways, and now just four airlines control some 80% of the market. Prices have been…

The ‘Beverly Hillbillies’ at 50 — how would Jethro vote in 2012?

Fifty years ago today CBS introduced a new TV series that sharply divided American cultural opinion.Critics and intellectuals hated it, and it became for them a symbol of how far television had fallen since the so-called “golden age” of live,…

Romney’s got the numbers but is a GOP surprise coming?

With Mitt Romney increasing his lead over Rick Santorum with a victory in Puerto Rico over the weekend, it is likely, that at the very least, Romney will hold his own or increase his lead over Santorum in Tuesday’s Illinois…

Win, place or show — can all the GOP candidates keep going after Tuesday’s vote?

Primaries in Alabama and Mississippi, as well as caucuses in Hawaii and American Samoa, all take place today, Tuesday, March 13. They follow on the heels of last week’s Super Tuesday split-decision which seemed to give all four candidates the…

Romney: The candidate of ‘eh’

In a sketch last weekend following Mitt Romney’s win in Michigan, “Saturday Night Live” had its Romney character boast that it was another instance of voters saying of him, “Eh, I guess.” “Eh, I guess” looks to be the motto…

Super Tuesday Seals Nothing: The Race Goes On

As the dust settles from Super Tuesday, one thing is clear: the Republican primary race is far from resolved. As of midnight, Rick Santorum had won the states of Oklahoma, Tennessee and North Dakota; Newt Gingrich won Georgia; while Mitt…