Tag Archives: new york times

Lacking Leadership On Ukraine — And Everywhere Else

As of late, there have been a series of scathing criticisms of current US foreign policy, especially concerning our inaction in Ukraine. The Economist asked, “What would America fight for?” Unsurprisingly, the answer was far from clear. As the editorial…

Bloomberg Big-Soda Ban: A Nuanced Plan That’s Healthy For NYC

Mayor Bloomberg’s plan to ban sugary drinks and soda above 16-ounces has been a victim of criticism and derision. Critics say the measure will be ineffective because it does not limit the size of dairy-based drinks, like milkshakes and fruit…

President Obama’s Performance on the Economy Is Hurting His Standing Among Key Voting Blocs.

With President Obama’s ratings on the economy still weak and our economic recovery fragile at best months, it is no wonder that the latest New York Times/CBS News poll conducted May 11-13 shows Romney holding a narrow, three-point advantage over…