Tag Archives: noreen-fraser

Easy to swallow: The simple remedy that has replaced my blood pressure pills

It hasn’t been easy, but I have stepped up my exercise and gone back to meditation and yoga: techniques I had done regularly in the past. I am a believer in the importance of sleep, yoga and meditation, but I…

National Cancer Survivors Day: How you can help scientists find a cure

(Photo courtesy Beth Yorn, creator of Elisabeth Bell Jewelry) Sunday, June 7, is National Cancer Survivors Day. Just when you thought all of the days of the year were taken up by obscure organizations, this day has been around for…

The kindness of strangers: How donations to small foundations benefit cancer research

Dodged another bullet. I am grateful that my CT scan this week showed “no change,” which means that the cancer in my liver is stable, not growing. This Phase One study drug has truly been remarkable for me. It has…

A mother’s love: How family and laughter have helped me in my cancer fight

How many people do you know who laugh at their own jokes? I mean, belly laugh? That’s my mom. But the thing is she really is funny. I often talk of the healing effect of laughter. I may have never…