Tag Archives: obamacare

Bill O’Reilly: The Supreme Court rules

The court acceptance of Obama Care and gay marriage was predictable. In fact, there is a legal team accurately for a toll what would happen last week. The Supreme Court is made up of nine individuals who see America in…

Fox News Poll: Only 36 percent think Obama’s policies have helped the economy

It’s a three-way split on the Obama administration’s economic policies. ; The latest Fox News poll finds that 36 percent of voters say President Obama’s policies have helped the economy, 32 percent say they’ve hurt and 30 percent think they’ve…

Fox News Poll: More families feel worse than better as a result of ObamaCare

More voters say their family is worse off than better off under ObamaCare. In addition, most of those who had to change their insurance coverage because of the health care law say it cost them money. That’s according to a…

President Starts New Term Off On The Wrong Foot

Earlier today members of the 114th Congress were sworn in and took their oath of office for the new term. There has been a lot of talk about the promise for a more bipartisan, conciliatory Congress. This has been coming…

President Obama Starts The New Term Off On The Wrong Foot

Earlier today members of the 114th Congress were sworn in and took their oath of office for the new term. There has been a lot of talk about the promise for a more bipartisan, conciliatory Congress. This has been coming…

More than a dozen states plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare

More than a dozen states plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare in the coming weeks, affecting thousands of people just before the midterm elections. “It looks like several hundred thousand people across the country will…

Automatically re-enrolling in ObamaCare could pose dangers, analysts warn

After the rocky rollout last fall of the ObamaCare website, the administration wants to re-enroll those already in the system in hopes of avoiding another technological embarrassment. But analysts warn that just blindly re-enrolling could mean trouble for consumers. “This…

Ryan says Obama must ‘step up’ and deal with ISIS threat

Aug. 28, 2014: Paul Ryan greets attendees at a book signing at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. From across the country but in tune with the latest comments from the White House, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., took aim at…

We are all veterans now

The national scandal and disgrace at the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) is the perfect example of the disaster that awaits America with ObamaCare. We’re about to find out what it’s like to receive health care from the government. ;…