Tag Archives: online

C’mon America, we’re bigger than our partisan divide — what Olympia Snowe’s departure tells us

Tuesday’s retirement announcement by Olympia Snowe – who said that she was quitting because she was frustrated “that an atmosphere of polarization and ‘my way or the highway’ ideologies has become pervasive in campaigns and in our governing institutions” –…

Small Business to Obama: Tax Plan Needs Rate Reform

The Obama administration’s proposal for corporate tax reform ignores what matters most to small businesses, a coalition of small-business advocacy groups says. While the overall plan is sound, critics acknowledge, it overlooks the fundamental need for rate reform. “The idea…

Lung Cancer Caregivers Find Support Online

Imagine being told out of nowhere that someone you love has lung cancer and their chances of survival look grim. Now, imagine that your loved one doesn’t smoke and is otherwise healthy. . . It happens more than you think.…