Tag Archives: personal

A high-tech way to detect a mail bomb

File photo. (REUTERS/John Gress) The US Postal Service delivers more than 160 billion pieces of mail a year, so how can we tell if one of those pieces is a bomb in disguise? A new piece of technology uses harmless,…

Gay marriage debate: Will we erase the boundaries that have guided humanity for generations?

In 2-1/2 hours of oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, Justice Anthony Kennedy asked the right question: whether it is appropriate for the Court to discard a definition of marriage that “has been with us for millennia,” adding,…

New York’s mayor won’t endorse Clinton for president and all ‘Hill’ breaks loose

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton meets with local residents at the Jones St. Java House, Tuesday, April 14, 2015, in LeClaire, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) You don’t have to be Jewish to be amazed at the chutzpah behind the…

Congress first asked Hillary Clinton about personal email use in 2012, letter shows

Hillary Clinton ignored questions from congressional investigators in December 2012 about her use of a personal e-mail account while secretary of state. The latest revelation comes days after Clinton announced her candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. The announcement…

Nuclear talks with Iran and Indiana’s religious freedom law

This is a RUSH transcript from “The O’Reilly Factor,” April 2, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.Watch “The O’Reilly Factor” weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET! O’REILLY: “Personal Story Segment”…

Clinton camp issues clarification on deleted emails, claims ‘every’ message was reviewed

Hillary Clinton’s camp late Sunday issued a significant clarification about the steps they say were taken to review thousands of personal emails before they were deleted, claiming her team individually read “every email” before discarding those deemed private. Clinton spokesman…

Freedom for me, but not for thee — Dianne Feinstein, the CIA and you

Initially, I was gratified to learn that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was unafraid to take on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over the issue of domestic spying. The CIA is limited by its…

10 time tricks that saved my butt and made me a bundle      

Like most people, I made more than a few mistakes in my twenties. I dated some loser guys, rented an apartment in Manhattan without realizing until I moved in that there was no sink in the bathroom, and accepted my…

Get real, getting married before age 25 is not too young

Bride Satoko Inouye, 36, puts a ring on a finger of her groom Tomohiro Shibata 42, as I-Fairy, a four-foot tall seated robot, wearing a wreath of flowers, directs their wedding ceremony at a Tokyo restaurant Sunday, May 16, 2010.…

Obama Campaign’s ‘Attack Watch’ Becomes Victim of Conservative Mockery

Tuesday: President Obama waves to supporters during an event at Fort Hayes Arts and Academics High School in Columbus, Ohio. (Fox News) Attack Watch, website started by President Obama’s campaign organization, was intended to be a repository for supporters to…