Tag Archives: political

As Hillary’s poll numbers drop, candidate Clinton plays dirty

President Obama came into office promising to unify America, but he has made political discourse meaner and more cynical. Whenever Mr. Obama is playing a weak hand, he questions the motivations of those who disagree with him and mangles the…

Do the big night right: Debate watchers’ guide

**Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.** DO THE BIG NIGHT RIGHT: DEBATE WATCHERS’ GUIDECLEVELAND – Two debates. Seventeen candidates. Three hours. Five moderators. Talk about a full-court press… The first candidate debates of the…

An open letter to my friends Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee

Dear Governors Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee. Old friends, I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m pretty sure that all three of you will be asking me to campaign for you somewhere along “the trail.” It will,…

Time to pull your kids out of public school?

My high school colors were green and white. At graduation the boys wore green robes and the girls wore white. No one considered the girls inferior because of the color of their robes. Today, we live in different times. My…

Liberal media mocks Republican presidential candidates with "clown car" diss

Republicans never win with the media. Nominate a rich, old, white guy and media outlets complain he’s old and out of touch. Have the most vibrant and diverse field of candidates either party might have had in history? It’s a…

Bill and Hillary Clinton: Will scandal ever stick to the Clintons?

“This vast right-wing conspiracy,” Hillary Clinton said, “has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced.” That was the “feminist” first lady’s response when her husband was accused of having sex with a 21-year-old. Bill was more lawyerly.…

IRS Scandal: I was targeted and I’ve got proof it was a Democratically-led conspiracy

I was targeted by the IRS in a coordinated attack at the highest levels of government…and we now have the proof. My IRS files, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch, clearly implicate the IRS and a…

Wake Up, America: Advice for conservatives about Hillary Clinton email scandal (hint: it’s a big deal)

Wake Up America.. .. don’t get sucked into the liberal trap. James Carville is out spinning the story that the Clintons are victims. Yes, poor Hillary, and Bill. It looks like the media is too hard on them. They don’t…

Europe, US must confront homegrown Islamic terror threat before more die

France has a big problem. So does Great Britain. So does the rest of Europe. And so does America. The problem is the several thousand young, native-born Islamist extremists who travel abroad to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq,…

Magazine admits changing title on Michigan professor’s column

Prof. Susan Douglas, University of Michigan A magazine that published a column by a University of Michigan professor titled “It’s Okay to Hate Republicans” said late Thursday that it had crafted that headline without her knowledge and had swapped it…