Tag Archives: president-obama

Drone Strike Review

Jan. 31, 2010: This file photo shows a U.S. Predator drone flies over the moon above Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan. (AP) President Obama has ordered a review of U.S. drone strikes in the wake of the news that a…

Forget Cuba or health care reform, Obama’s real legacy is Middle East nukes

President Obama recently sat down for a long, wide-ranging interview with Thomas Friedman, the New York Times’ premier columnist and multiple Pulitzer Prize winner. It was supposed to be an elevated discussion between two intellectuals about the weighty foreign policy…

Obama Backs Off Opposition To Corker-Menendez Bill, But Still Remains In Control

Consensus in Washington? You don’t say. On Tuesday, President Obama announced that he would agree to sign the Corker-Menendez bill after it received unanimous favor in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. To date, this has to be the largest assertion…

Fox News Poll: More families feel worse than better as a result of ObamaCare

More voters say their family is worse off than better off under ObamaCare. In addition, most of those who had to change their insurance coverage because of the health care law say it cost them money. That’s according to a…

Iran Nuclear Deal: Does Obama want Israel to commit suicide?

In 1982, during one of many visits to Israel, I had the opportunity to speak with Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who told me, “Israel needs friends.” He added that in the end, his nation could not trust any nation with…

Wake Up, America: Advice for conservatives about Hillary Clinton email scandal (hint: it’s a big deal)

Wake Up America.. .. don’t get sucked into the liberal trap. James Carville is out spinning the story that the Clintons are victims. Yes, poor Hillary, and Bill. It looks like the media is too hard on them. They don’t…

Do our human rights come from God?

This is a RUSH transcript from “The O’Reilly Factor,” February 25, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.Watch “The O’Reilly Factor” weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET! O’REILLY: “Impact Segment” tonight,…

Department Of Homeland Security Funding Battles And Entitlement Reform

We may be headed for another shutdown. This time it’ll be the Department of Homeland Security, caught in the partisan crosshairs over the spending bill which Democrats insist should not have any immigration related amendments. Most Republicans and Democrats want…