Tag Archives: prophet

Iranian artist could draw lengthy prison term for cartoons ridiculing parliament

Atena Farghadani is facing a dozen years behind bars for drawing cartoons. (Justice for Iran) Iran’s thin-skinned mullahs have jailed an artist who drew a cartoon disparaging members of parliament over their decision to restrict birth control for women. Atena…

Pamela Geller not standing down to radical Islam

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” May 26, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY, HOST: So three weeks after her Draw Muhammad event in Garland, Texas, was attacked by…

Pakistani court upholds death sentence for Christian woman accused of insulting Islam

Asia Bibi was harvesting berries in Pakistan five years ago when she took the drink of water that could cost her her life. A Christian in the Muslim-dominated and increasingly intolerant nation, the mother of five was quickly assailed by…

Family of Iranian woman on death row in dark despite report she could be spared

The fate of the Iranian woman sentenced to die for killing a man she says tried to rape her remains unclear despite reports she could be spared, according to her mother, who told FoxNews.com her daughter is now being pressured…

What Obama must do next with Egypt

The entirely unjustified and outrageous embassy attacks –on 11th anniversary of 9/11 no less — underscore an alarming shift in public opinion that ;is clear, quantifiable, and growing exponentially within the Arab Street since the onset of the Arab Spring…

The man who defeated Adolf Hitler

Editor’s note: This piece originally appeared in Fox News Opinion on April 26, 2011. It has been slightly updated to reflect dates in 2012. On Sunday, April 8 billions of Christians around the world celebrated Easter. But yesterday, Friday, was…