Tag Archives: publishing

Justice Department reached only possible conclusion in Michael Brown case

Three-and-a-half months after a St. Louis Grand Jury decided not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for Michael Brown’s death, President Obama’s Department of Justice has finally followed suit – admitting that there is no case to be brought…

What is more likely to kill you — a gun or a car?

FILE — Feb. 6, 2015: A dealer arranges handguns in a display case in advance of a show at the Arkansas State Fairgrounds in Little Rock, Ark. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston) Which is more likely to kill you: a car or…

Terrorists can strike any time, anywhere: Self defense saves lives

Terrorists can strike anywhere and at any time, giving them a huge strategic advantage.Unfortunately, too many politicians around the world are refusing to admit this. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris earlier this month, France placed 10,000 uniformed soldiers…